Sunday, March 24, 2013

Overdressed and Naked Elephants in Colombo, plus Cricket Madness

Day78/Colombo, Sri Lanka

Here's what I saw when I stepped off The Amsterdam on the way to our tour bus. A handsome, 40-year-old elephant named Monika! Never mind that the temperature was in the 90's and very humid. She was decked out in what looked like an elaborate, elephant-sized version of long winter underwear. I think this garment actually served as a gigantic wearable parasol, as well as providing a nice photo op for the tourists.

Our first tour stop was at a Buddhist temple. There, we found a sweet baby elephant, looking quite comfortable in the shade, wearing nothing but his birthday suit.

He and Watson became instant friends. Wish we could bring him home with us.

The temple itself was amazing.

The worshipers were patient with tourists swarming everywhere, but they must have felt relieved when we climbed back onto the buses to hurry to the next attraction.

We visited a museum, and we were on our way to another location when an unplanned feature overtook us. A college Cricket match was under way. Suddenly, we found ourselves in the middle of a parade of celebrating fans.

They were piled onto every sort of vehicle, including a cement mixer

And a gigantic backhoe. Their enthusiasm came close to what can be seen at a Cal-Stanford or Vikings-Packers game. Our guide was full of apologies as the driver tried to maneuver our bus through the massive traffic jam, but we assured him that we were enjoying every minute of the chaos.

Now, we have gone around Sri Lanka, the teardrop shaped island at the tip of India. Next stop: Africa

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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